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Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever: A Growing Threat

What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is a common illness in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever typically causes flu-like symptoms, including:

  • High fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rash

Transmission of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is spread through the bite of infected female Aedes mosquitoes. These mosquitoes are found in urban and semi-urban areas, and they typically bite during the day. The virus can also be spread through blood transfusions or organ transplants.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

There is no specific vaccine available for dengue fever. However, there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection, including:

  • Using insect repellent
  • Wearing long sleeves and pants
  • Using mosquito nets
  • Eliminating mosquito breeding grounds

Treatment of Dengue Fever

There is no specific cure for dengue fever. Treatment is supportive and includes:

  • Rest
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Pain relievers
  • Antipyretics (fever reducers)

Severe Dengue Fever

In some cases, dengue fever can develop into a more severe form known as severe dengue. This condition can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.


Most people with dengue fever recover completely within a week or two. However, some people may develop more severe symptoms and require hospitalization.
